Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Remember the Issues and Our Values

John McCain apparently thinks women will flock to the Republican ticket because a female has been added to the ticket. As insulting as this assumption feels (and rightly so), we must all stay focused on the issues and on our personal values.

I personally value diplomacy. Barack Obama has already demonstrated that he is respected abroad and that his opinions and thoughts are measured carefully. McCain, with his quick temper and Palen, with her guns lead me to fear either one would be quick to exasperate conflicts abroad. Diplomacy first with a velvet glove. Guns and war last. We must repair and heal the current world opinion of our nation. Only a leader with intelligence and respect will be able to alter the world's perception that the United States bullies and exploits other countries. I believe Obama is the only hope we have at this time for peace building around the world.

I value caring for one another as American citizens. As a "Christian" nation, how can we support division of the very rich from the middle class and poverty levels of our American society? Can we, as a nation, sleep at night when we know millions of our citizens lack health care and adequate educational opportunities? When the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, we all lose. The "trickle down" theory did not work. Obama, who exhibits concern for all people, will work to rebuild justice for all. I'm not suggesting a "give-away" program for the poor. I believe all people need to be held responsible for personal decisions. At the same time, I believe in the importance, respect and value of all human beings and for helping one another achieve personal and national potential.

I strongly value efforts to clean up the environment. Palen's record does not indicate respect for endangered species or for the universe. Once again, we need a leader who will challenge us to work together, to make personal sacrifices, and to reclaim the beauty of our country and our world. Obama has said that it won't be easy. He does not lie to us. I believe Obama understands the realities of the challenge and will provide build resolve, which seems to be lost at this time.

I must admit that it is tempting to "tear" into McCain and Palen. However, every day, we see Obama model taking the high road. As frustrated as he must be, he does not denigrate McCain or Palen. We must follow his lead as we respond to every false statement. We must do so by returning to the issues and to our values again and again.